Saturday, June 4, 2011

Slightly Freaking Out ...

I had made the decision to do this "New Adventure", and I was so excited. This is probably the biggest thing I have ever done, I have faith in myself I can do it and was ready to get started.

Step one was to see if I could even get a loan ...after a long waiting game that stressed me out YES! okay NOW it's time to get started.

Now as I begin I am reading and reading every "How to Start a Pet Shop" link I could find ...I don't want to miss a thing. Then I found a link yesterday, it was a year long diary basically of a pet store that was not doing so well that they decided to give their store a make-over and do a RE-GRAND OPENING I thought ok they are back to square one pretty much so I read all the entries ...boy was it helpful to me ...but they had one thing I don't... a massive team put together to make this happen ...

I sat here looking at two notebooks that I have kept notes in, things to do, ideas etc for my "New Adventure" ...then I thought " How can I accomplish the work of say 10 people all by myself?" ...I scratched my head then thought "what was I thinking?!" there is so much to do, and even with all that I have accomplished ...already that hasn't even made a dent on my "to do" list....slightly freaking out at this point ...I keep plugging away but feeling very overwhelmed ...I have got to organize my list, get my thoughts straight ...and tell myself everything will be just fine ... right ? ..........right!

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